Error Types in Formulas

If a formula in a cell cannot be calculated correctly, it means that the cell contains an error. The error appears because the formula's syntax is incorrect, or the formula uses unexpected arguments or data types.

Errors that occur in formulas are detailed in the following table:

Error Description Example
#DIV/0! Division by zero. =A1/B1 (where the value in cell B1 is equal to zero, or cell B1 is blank)
#NAME? The formula refers to a name that doesn't exist or is spelled incorrectly. =SUM(Values) (the cell range named "Values" does not exist)
#N/A The referenced value is not available to the formula. =SUM(A1:A5*B1:B3) (the array formula has arguments consisting of different numbers of elements)
#NULL! An incorrect range operator is used in the formula, or the specified intersection includes two ranges that do not intersect. =SUM(A1 A3) (a colon is missing in the cell range reference)
#NUM! There are invalid numeric values in the formula. =SQRT(-4) (the square root of a negative number cannot be calculated)
#REF! The cell reference is not valid. =SUM(A1, B1) (column B has been deleted)
#VALUE! The formula uses values of the incorrect data type. =SUM(5, "Text") (the SUM function requires numeric arguments)

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