Mail Merge

Document fields are special placeholders for non-static data that might change (be updated on a field update). These placeholders are replaced with actual data when the document is rendered for display or printing. The default Mail Merge tab can be used to work with fields (create, update, switch between field display modes).

To insert a field, position the mouse cursor within a document and select the Create Field button in the Mail Merge tab (or use the Ctrl+F9 shortcut). Field codes appear between curly brackets ( { } ).


The following field codes are supported:

DATE - Inserts the current date and time.

TIME - Inserts the current time.

DOCVARIABLE - Enables you to programmatically insert complex content when this field is updated.

HYPERLINK - Enables you to navigate to another location or to a bookmark.

NUMPAGES - Inserts the total number of pages.

PAGE - Inserts the number of the page containing the field.

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