Modify a Table in HTML Editor

You can modify a table by changing its properties, adding/deleting a row or column, etc.

Changing Table Properties

To modify a table's (and its rows, columns and cells) properties, select a table (a row, column, cell) and click one of the following buttons:

Command Button Description
Table Properties ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-TableProperties Use this command to modify the table's properties (size, layout, appearance).
Row Properties ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-RowProperties Use this command to modify a row's alignment, size and appearance.
Column Properties ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-ColumnProperties Use this command to modify a column's alignment, size and appearance.
Cell Properties ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-CellProperties Use this command to modify a cell's alignment and appearance.

Each button click invokes the specified windows for modifying a table, row, column or cell. When complete, click the OK button to save the changes.

Inserting Rows and Columns

Select a cell of the required row, and click the ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-InsertRowAbove or ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-InsertRowBelow button to insert a new row above or below the specified row.

To insert a new column to right or to the left from the selected column, click the corresponding ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-InsertColumnLeft or ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-InsertColumnRight button.


You can split a cell vertically or horizontally by using the ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-SplitVertically or the ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-SplitHorizontally button.


To merge two cells to the right or down use the ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-MergeRight or ASPxHtmlEditor-Buttons-MergeDown button.

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