Popup Window

The Popup Window is a temporary window that appears above an application's main window. It is typically used to display quick reference information. The popup window can be displayed when hovering or clicking a specific element, or it can initially be visible.


Window Resizing and Dragging

If a window displays a size grip, you can use it to resize the window.


To change the window position, click and hold its header (the cursor will change to a four-directional arrow). Drag the header and drop it to the required position.


Header Buttons


A popup window's header can display the following buttons.

Button Description
Pin Button Allows you to pin the window.
Refresh Button Allows you to refresh the window.
Collapse Button Allows you to collapse the window.
Maximize Button Allows you to maximize the window.
Close Button Allows you to close the window.

Closing a Popup Window

Depending on the settings specified by the application vendor, a popup window can be closed in the following ways.

  • By clicking the Close button
  • By moving the cursor out of the window
  • By clicking an area outside of the window
  • By pressing the ESC key.

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